JBJC Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy Services
At Juneau Bone and Joint Center we offer massage therapy services from our speciality trained and licensed massage therapists: Jenna O’Fontanella and John Nagel. Each of our therapists offer one-on-one care that is tailored individually depending on the diagnosis, evaluation and specific impairments of the client. Our goal at JBJC Massage Therapy is to provide well rounded care with a focus on pain relief, stress reduction, increase relaxation, address anxiety and depression, postural correction, muscular pain reduction and to aide positive general wellness.
Please talk to your doctor or call us today to schedule an appointment; (907) 364-2663.
Why is Massage Therapy an important component to rehabilitation of the body?
The potential for total
body healing...
Pain Reduction
Allow for increase in endorphin release and relaxation to create acute and chronic pain relief.
Mental & Physical Relaxation
Assists with reducing muscular cramping and allows for mental clarity and relaxation.
Musculoskeletal system health
Discover how your movement patterns maybe contributing to your pain symptoms and how to correct them. Receive postural education and guidelines.
Enhance the circulatory and immune system
Allow for increase in blood flow to stimulate the nervous system, enhance immunity by stimulation of the lymphatic system, and encourage the release of endorphins (the bodies natural pain killers).
Treatments we offer...

Medical Massage
Hands on massage with a medical focus and treatment style.
Polarity Therapy is the art and science of stimulating and balancing the flow of life energy within the human being.
Cupping is an ancient technique that has been used to treat many disorders including musculoskeletal pain.
Our Therapists
Jennifer Siner LMT
Wannarat Giron LMT
John Nagel LMT
Learn some nutritional tidbits...

Every time I think of beans it reminds me of the song my son learned in first grade,
“Beans, beans, the magical fruit, they’re good for the heart and make toot, the more you toot the better you feel, so eat beans at every meal.”

What causes cravings?
Many people view cravings as weakness, but really they are important messages meant to assist you in maintaining balance. When you experience a craving, deconstruct it. Ask yourself, what does my body want and why? Here are some causes of cravings and how to help bring your body into a better balance.

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Is Chocolate good for you?
The answer is both yes and no.
Chocolate has been used for centuries to treat bronchitis, sexual malaise, fatigue, hangovers, anemia, depression, memory loss, high blood pressure, poor eyesight, and more.

Promote Positivity
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Optimizing your Energy!
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